Monday, March 21, 2011

Green or Herb Gumbo

Green or Herb Gumbo

Published: Saturday, May 01, 2010, 10:44 AM Updated: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 12:00 PM
The Times-Picayune By The Times-Picayune
(Editor's note: The following was taken from "The Picayune's Creole Cook Book," circa 1901 and content may be dated)
Green or Herb Gumbo
Gombo aux Herbes
A Veal Brisket 1 Large Slice of Lean Ham Equal Parts of the Leaves of Young Cabbage, Radish, Turnips. Mustard, Spinach, Watercress, Parsley and Green Onion 1 Large White Onion 1/2 Red Pepper Pod 1 Bay Leaf 1 Sprig of Thyme 1 Sprig of Sweet Marjoram 1 Clove 9 Allspice Cayenne to Taste
Soak and wash the leaves thoroughly, being careful to wash each leaf separately, to be sure there lurk no insects in the folds or ridges. Then trim by taking off all the coarse midrib of the leaves, which will make the gumbo taste harsh and unpalatable. Boil the leaves together for about two hours and then parboil by adding a teaspoonful of cooking soda.
Strain and chop very fine, being careful to save the water in which they were boiled. Cut the brisket of veal and the sliced ham into small pieces and dredge with black pepper and salt, and chop one large white or red onion. Put a heaping teaspoonful of lard into a deep frying pan, and when hot, add the chopped veal and the ham.
Cover and let it simmer for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Then add the chopped onion and a little sprig of parsley chopped fine. When it comes to a rich brown, add the greens, and when these are browned, pour over four quarts of the water in which the leaves have been boiled. Throw in the marjoram and the red pepper pod and the clove and allspice, mashed fine.
Set it back on the stove and let it boil for about one hour longer, adding the Cayenne or "hot pepper," and you will have a regular gumbo peculiar to New Orleans alone. Serve with boiled rice.
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