Monday, March 21, 2011

Crab Gumbo

Crab Gumbo

Crab Gumbo

Published: Saturday, May 01, 2010, 10:39 AM Updated: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 12:00 PM
The Times-Picayune By The Times-Picayune
(Editor's note: The following was taken from "The Picayune's Creole Cook Book," circa 1901 and content may be dated)
Crab Gumbo
Gombo aux Crabes
1 Dozen Hard-Shell or Soft-Shell Crabs.
1 Onion
6 Large Fresh Tomatoes
2 Pints of Okra, or Fifty Counted
1/2 Pod of Red Pepper, without the Seeds
1 Bay Leaf
1 Sprig of Thyme or Parsley
1 Tablespoonful of Lard or Two Level Spoons of Butter
Salt and Cayenne to Taste
This is a great fast-day or "maigre" dish with the Creoles. Hard or soft-shell crabs may be used, though more frequently the former. as they are always procurable and far cheaper than the latter article, which is considered a luxury. Crabs are always sold alive.
Scald the hard-shell crabs and clean according to recipe already given, "taking off the dead man's fingers" and the spongy substances and being careful to see that the sandbags on the under part are removed. Then cut off the claws, crack and cut the body of the crab in quarters, season nicely with salt and pepper.
Put the lard into the pot, and when hot throw in the bodies and claws. Cover closely, and, after five or ten minutes, add the skinned tomatoes, chopped onions, thyme and parsley, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching. After five minutes add the okra, sliced fine, and when well browned, without the semblance of scorching, add the bay leaf, chopped fine, and the Juice of the tomatoes.
Pour over about two quarts and a half of boiling water, set on a slow fire and let it simmer well for about an hour, having thrown in the pepper pod. When nearly ready to serve, season according to taste with Cayenne and added salt; pour into a tureen and serve with boiled rice.
This quantity will allow two soft-shell crabs or two bodies of hard-shell crabs to each person.
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